Sunday, December 8, 2013

G.O.L.D. - Generate Openness's Lovely Dance - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

G.O.L.D. - Generate Openness's Lovely Dance - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Your world is the golden miracle of life. This is our moment to be on stage and do our dance of life. This life is mostly what you choose to create, and how you choose to perceive the world. Like a mirror, your mind reflects the meanings you project. So let life’s dance and song carry you along in the kaleidoscope of time. The world is a wonderful dance, when we find our stance. It’s a dance. It’s a trance. It’s a prance. It’s a romance with life’s wonder. So let the world be your stage where you can freely engage with your ongoing sage. You have come of age. Let go and simply flow into the magic of your life’s dance.

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