Tuesday, March 5, 2013

M.E.L.O.N. - Mind's Enchanted Life Opens Now - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

M.E.L.O.N. - Mind's Enchanted Life Opens Now - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Get rid of your melancholy & you can taste the fruit of life's melon. Of course your mind's stream has everything, the good, the bad, & everything in between. We can learn to accept the reality of "things as they are" in this very moment. Just let go of your attachments & you will be OK. Stop constantly demanding life to be the way you expect, & appreciate that for now, this is how it is. Just appreciate being alive for a few luminous, magical years. Look at the big picture & your wondrous journey through being. It's all about seeing & freeing the love & appreciation of your life's gift.

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