Tuesday, January 1, 2013

N.O.W. - N.E.W. - Naturally Open Wonder - Now Evolve Ways - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

N.O.W. - N.E.W. - Naturally Open Wonder - Now Evolve Ways - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Now is the time to really renew! Just like the Mayan calendar, the past cycle is done & it's time to transform ourselves & get in harmony with the evolution of our lives.The past is gone & the distant future is too long, so find a happy song to carry you along into the sunshine of today's new day. Now is always new - a constant shift & a constant gift. Learn to perceive & receive your life with grace & honor. It is a blessing & a joy to be alive. So get a clue & keep evolving to the new you. There is infinite potential in the Now, & you really can discover how. Unwind & find the miracle of your own mind.

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