Monday, December 24, 2012

G.I.V.E. - Generosity Is Vision Empowered - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

G.I.V.E. - Generosity Is Vision Empowered - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Realize that everyone and everything is sacred and deserves honor, respect, and love.
Be the hero that cares and bares love’s gift, and send others a lift. When you open your 
heart, you’re doing your part. To give is to live. It’s so right to help, since this is your world. 
And when we focus on being a team player, we minimize thinking about our own problems. 
Carry the hero’s light that shines so bright. Someone has to care. Someone has to share. 
Start here. Start now. You already know how. - Russell

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