Tuesday, September 13, 2011

S.I.N.G. - Surrender Into Natural Grace - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

"S.I.N.G. - Surrender Into Natural Grace"
Grace lets you find your place.
It's been said that enlightenment is merely the end of error.
Just let go & flow. Appreciate that you already glow. You already know.
Take time to slow down & find the sunshine of your own mind.
Send out your love to the world today. Be a light in the storm.
Let it warm. Let it form the basis of a life of meaning.
Surrender into being the change you want in the world.
Then we can all sing of life's wonderful thing.


Hotch said...

I have been struggling with the fact that I have a national certification exam at the end of this month, and feeling a wee bit down about the economy ( I am almost 51 !) - this is icing on the cake talk I got from family last night. Thank you, Hotch

jules dakota said...

ReaLLY GREAT reminder! Thank you and NAMASTE!