Monday, July 30, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Find it S.A.F.E. - Slowing Allows Fast Evolution. If you are always going, going, going, you have no time for what is coming. Slow the "go" and reawaken to life's magical flow. Then you'll know, that everything is always right here. At any instant the totality of your life is what's here and now. So learn to appreciate and deal with the cards you have right now. When you let your wonder show, your life starts to glow. Just let go, and soon you'll know. Get R.E.A.L.- Ride Evolution And Learn. Learn to A.D.J.U.S.T. - Alleviate Demanding Judging- Unattachment Sees Timelessness. It is L.I.F.E. - Let It Flow Effortlessly.

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