Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

L.I.F.E. - Let Imagination's Fantasy Entertain - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.I.F.E. - Let Imagination's Fantasy Entertain - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Your imagination is an endless resource of wonder & creativity. Nothing happens until we first visualize it. Let your luminous imagination dream up life's amazing possibilities. Go fishing in the vast ocean of your imagination's magic.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

P.L.A.C.E. - Precious Life's A Ceremony Evolving - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

P.L.A.C.E. - Precious Life's A Ceremony Evolving - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
When you realize how brief our lives are, you can start to appreciate this miraculous gift of life.
Slow down and honor the sacred quality of this very moment. Feel the flow & open life's glow. Open your heart and do your part.

Monday, February 24, 2014

H.O.L.Y. - Honor Others - Love Yourself - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

H.O.L.Y. - Honor Others -  Love Yourself - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
I think this reflects the true meaning of "holy". It's about having honor & love for yourself & others.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I.C.E. - Illuminate Creation's Expression - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

I.C.E. - Illuminate Creation's Expression - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
The nature all around us is such a wonderful gift, when we really stop to appreciate the incredible colors, forms, & textures shimmering before us. Go out in nature & look closely at Mother Nature's rich reality. May your gazing bring you the amazing!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

M.Y.T.H. - Make Yourself The Hero - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

M.Y.T.H. - Make Yourself The Hero - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Everyone admires the hero. Somebody has to step up and be the hero. You can be a hero. The ball’s in your court. If you know how lucky you feel when someone helps you, when you’re in need, then you can be the “hero” that reaches out and helps someone else. To give is to live. It’s so right to help, since this is your world. And when we focus on being a team player, we minimize thinking about our own problems. Carry the hero’s light that shines so bright. Someone has to care. Someone has to share. Start here. Start now. You already know how.

Friday, February 21, 2014

L.O.V.E. - Lift Others' Visions Endlessly - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.O.V.E. - Lift Others' Visions Endlessly - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
One of the greatest gifts we can give people is to lift their visions. Love is honoring and 
respecting others, as you would like to be. Find the shift & give them a lift. It's there ultimate gift. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

B.L.A.S.T. - Brilliant Light And Shadow Titillate - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

B.L.A.S.T. - Brilliant Light And Shadow Titillate - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Blast off into awareness's light. Waken to the magical movie of life unfolding all around you. Light and shadow dancing in the luminous space of your own mind. Slow down & find the paradise all around you.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

T.U.N.E. - Transmit Unending Nourishment's Enchantment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

T.U.N.E. - Transmit Unending Nourishment's Enchantment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Get in tune! Unfold into the flowing music of life.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

L.O.O.K. - Life Opens Our Knowing - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.O.O.K. - Life Opens Our Knowing - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Seeing is freeing. Open & discover the magic all around you. Knowing is connecting
with the gift of right now.The world is just as wonderful as you are able to see.
Your perception is the key.

Monday, February 17, 2014

L.I.G.H.T. - Let Illumination's Glow Harvest Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.I.G.H.T. - Let Illumination's Glow Harvest Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
The light of mind gives you the presence to receive life’s presents. Loosen up. Let your light shine. This life can really be quite fine. Let your mind unwind & find. May illumination let you harvest the life you deserve. Let the light of your mind brighten your day and keep the clouds away.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

S.M.A.R.T. - Smiling Mind Awakens Reality's Timelessness - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.M.A.R.T. - Smiling Mind Awakens Reality's Timelessness - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Practice the smart art & open your heart. Appreciate & celebrate luminous mind's gift of being. It's all about seeing. So find the shift to appreciate your gift & start to find the warmth & joy of a smiling mind.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

W.I.N.- Wonder Illuminates Naturally - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

W.I.N.- Wonder Illuminates Naturally - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Take a spin & realize that you can always win, when you find the balance that lies within.
Open your eyes & realize. Life is a miraculous gift, so find the shift to appreciate & celebrate
the magic of being alive.

Friday, February 14, 2014

G.O.L.D. - Give Others Love Daily - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

G.O.L.D. - Give Others Love Daily - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Love is what we all want. Realize that everyone and everything is sacred and deserves honor, respect, and love. We are all part of the miraculous gift of life. Love opens you, and love opens others. To send out love, is to know we are all one and in this together. Be the hero that cares and bares love’s gift, and send others a lift. When you open your heart, you’re doing your part. Start things in motion and open your ocean of love. 
Open your heart and be the one. Someone once said, “Love never costs as much as it pays”.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A.R.T. - All Reality's Treasure - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

A.R.T. - All Reality's Treasure - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
It becomes such a pleasure, when you realize that all of life is a treasure.
Enjoy the luminous gifts of your own mind.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

S.O.A.R. - Seeing Opens Awakened Reality - R.McDougal/ Isle of View

S.O.A.R. - Seeing Opens Awakened Reality - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Soar into your own awakened mind & find...yourself & your selflessness.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

S.L.O.W. - Simple Life Opens Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.L.O.W. - Simple Life Opens Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Mahatma Gandhi said, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Sometimes we get going so fast, that we lose our place. We lose perspective of who we are and where we’re going. Stress is a disease (dis-ease). Ironically, if we slow down and gather our-selves, we can soon remember that place inside where things are clear and peaceful and in harmony. We can remember how to find the balance of our lives and appreciate the miracle of life. Slow down and see. Slow down and be. Slow down and free that safe place of grace, where we feel right at home right now.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

S.E.E. - Savor Endless Evolution - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.E.E. - Savor Endless Evolution - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
When you see, you can set yourself free. Open your eyes & realize that the infinite universe is all within your luminous mind. Let go, open up, & you will find.

Friday, February 7, 2014

H.E.A.L. - Heart Endlessly Awakens Life - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

H.E.A.L. - Heart Endlessly Awakens Life - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
To heal is the deal, if you want to get real. Open your heart & do your part.
You are the living mandala of your existence. You are at your center at a central point
in the middle of billions of galaxies. Surrender to the calm, luminous mind & you will surely find.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

F.L.O.A.T. - Flowing Life Ongoingly Awakens Transition - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

F.L.O.A.T. - Flowing Life Ongoingly Awakens Transition - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Find a quiet spot, quiet your mind, & you can discover a lot. Just for a little, step out of the race
& reclaim your grace. Let your mind's boat gently float in the calm, clear waters of your mind,
& it's magic you will find. When the stress is done, you can always flow back into One.
You are the fruit of the tree of life.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A.R.T. - Appreciate Reality's Texture - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

A.R.T. - Appreciate Reality's Texture - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Look closely & discover worlds after worlds of color, pattern, & texture - all dancing in your luminous mind. There is so much amazement to find. Our universe is a magical place, a magic mosaic of shifting gifting. Appreciate the wonder of being alive!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

N.O.W. - Nature Offers Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

N.O.W. - Nature Offers Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Our life is an endless gift. Appreciate life while you are here. It truly is a miracle. Appreciate & celebrate your luminous mind of knowing.

Monday, February 3, 2014

M.E.L.T. - May Evolution Liberate Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

M.E.L.T. - May Evolution Liberate Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
When your heart's essence is felt, you can truly melt into your authentic being.
Life is about freeing.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A.L.C.H.E.M.Y. - Align Life's Creative Harmony - Empower Magic Yourself - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

A.L.C.H.E.M.Y. - Align Life's Creative Harmony - Empower Magic Yourself - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Get things in balance. Find the shift & find your gift. When you finally align, things will be fine. So find a design that lets you align & see the clouds parting. It may sound strange, but you really can least a little. When you really look, you can see how to unhook & set yourself free. Start allowing for your own inner flowering, & the magic will blossom.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

L.I.B.E.R.A.T.E. - Live In Blossoming Evolution - Reawaken A Timeless Enchantment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.I.B.E.R.A.T.E. - Live In Blossoming Evolution - Reawaken A Timeless Enchantment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Don't wait! Now is the time to liberate. Duck into your new being & remember, it is all about freeing. Get in the flow of life's stream, & reawaken your dream.