Monday, April 30, 2012

A.R.T. - Awaken Rainbow Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

A.R.T. - Awaken Rainbow Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
May today be a new beginning. May the light of your mind shower you with endless possibilities. The first step is to visualize where you want to be. Visualize it & start building a bridge. Of course, ultimately, there is really never ever any more than what is here in any present moment! So enjoy your journey, but realize that you are already there too! All is a magical dance in your One Mind. Appreciate your sacred, miraculous life while you are here. And remember that you can F.L.Y. - Finally Love Yourself!
Love to you all!

T.I.D.E. - Tip-toe Into Destiny's Evolution - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

T.I.D.E. - Tip-toe Into Destiny's Evolution - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Open wide & ride the tide! Life is a constant ebb & flow. So let go & flow until you know.
Let go of your pride & surrender to your ride. Let your inner guide show you the stride to harvest the harmony. Let your selfless center be your power, as your destiny blossoms into this very hour. Have fun! You are the One!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A.R.T. - Awaken - Rearrange - Transform - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

A.R.T. - Awaken - Rearrange - Transform - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Whether it’s a painting, music piece, wedding cake, or a poem, if you put all the pieces together just so, you really can create a work of art. By our choices we all create our life’s art. We can focus and finesse our lives just right, and make something very special out of our arrangement. Dip down your bucket and find that source to give you the nourishment and inspiration to arrange your life, so that it gives you the life you deserve. Be the brush and the canvas of your life. Don’t hold back, because this it. Be bold. Let it unfold. Go for the gold.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I.D.E.A. - Imagination Develops Easy Answers - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

I.D.E.A. - Imagination Develops Easy Answers - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Go fishing with that wonderful imagination of yours. It’s amazing what you can find, when you really explore the possibilities. Discover something new. Discover something just for you. There are so many answers just waiting to be uncovered. The idea is to use your imagination to discover new ways of seeing and new ways of being. Just imagine!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

S.E.L.F. - Salute Everyone's Living Form - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.E.L.F. - Salute Everyone's Living Form - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Life's birth is like the roll of the dice. We are each born into a particular form from which we learn to weather the storm. Some of us are birds or ants or dolphin or maybe people. May we respect & honor the physical costume that we were all born with. We did not have a choice as to which body we would be given voice. So appreciate & respect every being & insect. May we find our lives' common bond & learn to share the pond. We are all the family of life. Learn to see from above & share your warmth & respectful love.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

G.A.M.E. - Generating Awakened Meaning's Empowerment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

G.A.M.E. - Generating Awakened Meaning's Empowerment - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Life is a game with cycles spinning around & around. May we slow the Wheel of Time & remember how things can rhyme. It's really quite sublime, when we take the time to unwind & find. Be still & remember the thrill of the vastness of your mind's galaxy. Do you see? Life is a Mirror of Mind. What you think is what you get. What you don't think is the infinite. Burn slowly the candle of life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

L.E.A.P. - Let Evolution Awaken Possibilities - R. McDougal/ /Isle of View

L.E.A.P. - Let Evolution Awaken Possibilities - R. McDougal/ /Isle of View
Make the leap. The next step is not that steep. Reclaim the game. Reawaken your authentic being & open a new seeing. Slow the race & find your place where you can feel your grace in the harmony of being. We come from the dust & evolve we must. Reclaim appreciation's wonderful sensation, & let love of life carry you beyond strife into the fluid flowing of knowing. This is the time to discover how things rhyme.

Monday, April 23, 2012

S.E.E.D. - Save Earth's Essential Diversity - R. McDougal

            S.E.E.D. - Save Earth's Essential Diversity - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

May we save earth's diversity & protect our planet's resources. Make a stand to save our land.
We can plant the seeds of sustainability & balance.  This is our J.O.B. - Just Orchestrating Balance. Let's reclaim the true aim of being alive.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

E.A.R.T.H. - Evolve And Resolve To Harmonize - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

E.A.R.T.H. - Evolve And Resolve To Harmonize - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

We are in big trouble, if we don’t stop over-developing and over-populating of our planet. You don’t have to be a rocket-scientist to know that the earth’s well-being
has been sacrificed for short-term profits. More and more people are fighting for
less and less dwindling resources. Let’s all stand-up and be responsible for getting
our environment healthy and in balance. This is the only planet we have. We are playing Russian Roulette with our survival. We all deserve better. Do your part to
make a new start.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

S.C.O.R.E. - Soothing Consciousness Offers Reward's Enchantment - R. McDougal

S.C.O.R.E. - Soothing Consciousness Offers Reward's Enchantment - R. McDougal/Isle of View
Open to nature's soothing moments all around you. Life's best magic is totally free. But you have to set yourself free & be open to see. Find your stride & go outside, where nature's show magically resides. Sail away on the sky. You don't need a reason why. Open your mind's door & let yourself soar. Imagine yourself on the distant shore, just like the days of yore. Life doesn't have to be a bore. Discover what your appreciation's for. Discovering selflessness is the core. Right now is enough. You don't always need more. Let go & flow in life's glow, & let yourself know.

Friday, April 20, 2012

G.A.I.A. - Global Awareness Is Awakening - R. McDougal/Isle of View

G.A.I.A. - Global Awareness Is Awakening - R. McDougal/Isle of View

We need to celebrate, honor, and protect our abundant earth. We are in big trouble, if we don’t stop over-developing and over-populating of our planet. You don’t have to be a rocket-scientist to know that the earth’s well-being has been sacrificed for short-term profits.
More and more people are fighting for less and less dwindling resources. Let’s all stand-up and be responsible for getting our environment healthy and in balance. This is the only planet we have. We are playing Russian Roulette with our survival. We all deserve better.
Do your part to make a new start. May the Isle of View help us all renew, and remember how to say, "I love you."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

S.H.I.F.T. - Sweet Heart Ignites Flowering Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.H.I.F.T. - Sweet Heart Ignites Flowering Transformation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Shift & flow until you know. The flow of life is always flowing along. We experience life as a stream of consciousness. If we can find the harmony and stop fighting life so hard, then we can “go with the flow”. There is a place of balance and wonder that we can live our lives from. May our lives be an unfolding of discovery and appreciation. May we flow into the harmony and grace of our lives and be carried effortlessly on the river of life. May heart's sweetness let you flower into your own power. Finally decide to enjoy your ride, and surrender your pride, and put fear aside, and let go. Let worry go, and life will flow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

S.T.A.R. -Soar The Awakening Revelation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.T.A.R. - Soar The Awakening Revelation - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
You have the whole world before you. The inherent ability to shine is in your hands. So forget the score & immediately soar into the wonder of your life's appreciation. Slowly let in your revelation. You are pure gold & it's time to behold the magic you can unfold. As Les Brown said, "Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you land among the stars!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

P.O.W.E.R. - Practicing Openness Wakens Enchanted Reality - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

P.O.W.E.R. - Practicing Openness Wakens Enchanted Reality - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
You can empower yourself with the vast, opening energy of the cosmos. Why stay attached to limiting ideas & emotions, when you can connect with the opening wonder of life? Let go & grow. When you open, you'll really know. And you'll discover that it's really not about knowing, but glowing. We're talking about feeling the miraculous essence of life. Open & flower into your inner power in this very hour. Seeing is freeing your being.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

W.O.R.L.D. - Wonder's Openness Reawakens Life's Dance - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

W.O.R.L.D. - Wonder's Openness Reawakens Life's Dance - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

Your world is the miracle of life. This is our moment to be on stage and do our dance of life. This life is mostly what you choose to create, and how you choose to perceive the world. Like a mirror, your mind reflects the meanings you project. So let life’s dance and song carry you along in the kaleidoscope of time. The world is a wonderful dance, when we find our stance. It’s a dance. It’s a trance. It’s a prance. It’s a romance with life’s wonder. So let the world be your stage where you can freely engage with your ongoing sage. You have come of age. Let go and simply flow into the magic of your life’s dance. -Russell

Thursday, April 12, 2012

R.I.C.H. - Reawaken Into Creation's Happiness - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

R.I.C.H. - Reawaken Into Creation's Happiness - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
We are all so very rich, if we only knew it. The incredible gift of life and all of its phenomenal rewards are infinitely rich and wonderful. The joy of appreciating life can be your greatest treasure. Be fulfilled in knowing that life is a vast resource of endless inspiration and discovery. The endless flower of now continually offers up its rich rewards. Take time for today, since this life is always slipping away. So take time to savor and appreciate the miracle of life’s many riches. Slow down and remember and reawaken into creation’s happiness. When you get really clear, you can see that the vast riches of your life are already here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

O.N.E. - Only Now Exists - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

O.N.E. - Only Now Exists - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
We hear the idea of “one world”, “one planet”, “one people”, and “one mind”. Taking in everything, we have “one” big experience, the universe, which means “one-verse”. ”Here” is the center of space. And “now” is the center of time. The time is always now. The words “past” and “future” are concepts that are experienced only in the present. It’s great to have memories and to have dreams, but appreciate and realize that you only live right now. Ultimately, right now is the only game in town. So find your place and find your grace, in the magic space of the ever-present moment of now. It’s the one.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

L.U.C.I.D. - Listen Until Clarity Illuminates Destiny - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.U.C.I.D. - Listen Until Clarity Illuminates Destiny - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
When we have clarity, we can see clearly. It pays big dividends to slow down and gather ourselves. When we are quiet, we become centered and in balance. With silence, clarity will arise and shed light on our situation, as well as, the big picture. If you let it flower, it will give your vision power. Listen until it starts to glisten. Let it flow until you know. When you let it be, you start to see.

Monday, April 9, 2012

S.O.A.R. - Simply Open And Receive - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.O.A.R. - Simply Open And Receive - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
To receive anything in life, we must be open to it. So many people close themselves off and aren’t open to the wonderful gifts of life. We have to learn that it’s okay to open, because nothing can harm your mind. Nobody can ever get inside your head and make you uptight or afraid. The thoughts and emotions are just figs and twigs and jigs floating on the river of life. Don’t worry about anything. It’s all a passing show. Open to the light, and you will be all right. Then you can become the delight of the day and the night. Give yourself flight. Open your door and let yourself soar.

H.E.A.R.T. - Help Everyone Awaken Real Trust - R. McDougal/Isle of View

H.E.A.R.T. - Help Everyone Awaken Real Trust
The greatest thing you can do for anyone is to make them feel like they’re okay. Open your heart, and respect and support your fellow man and woman who, like yourself, are trying the best they know how to carry their heavy load. The gift of acceptance is the ultimate gift to another. Give a little understanding. Give a little lift. Give a little heart. Open your heart and do your part. Open hearts open magic. -Russell

Sunday, April 8, 2012

S.P.R.I.N.G. - Sweet Perception Renews Illumination's Natural Glow - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.P.R.I.N.G. - Sweet Perception Renews Illumination's Natural Glow - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Wake up & smell the magic! This is your life & maybe it's time that you spring into action & renew to a better you. Spring is the natural time of renewal, so give yourself fuel & start growing into the new you. Life is a constant evolution, so rise above any pollution, & flower into your new power. Now is your chance to refine your dance & waltz into the wonder of being. It's all about renewal & seeing. Let go & grow into your natural glow.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

H.E.A.L. - Heart Endlessly Awakens Life - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

H.E.A.L. - Heart Endlessly Awakens Life - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
To heal is to become whole and be in harmony. To let go of disease (dis-ease), is to be in the flow of the nourishing life force. To reach out and love, is to help heal ourselves and others. Let love show us a way to reflect our respect. To heal is the deal. Be a light so that others might see. Open your heart and show others the art of how to be. Let love guide your way to a brand new day. You can reflect the warm, loving feeling of healing.

Friday, April 6, 2012

H.I.P. - Harmony Illuminates Paradise - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

H.I.P. - Harmony Illuminates Paradise - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
When we can finally allow harmony in our lives, we can start to open up to the magic we deserve. "Let it be". "Nirvana is merely the end of error." Step back & realize that paradise is in front of your very eyes. The only difference between the enlightened person & the ignorant one is how they see the world. If we stop our constant judging & telling ourselves that we need it to be different to be happy, then maybe we can learn that we don't need anything more to be fulfilled. Life is always perfectly "as it is". Accept it & find peace of mind. Never's nothing to know. It's about letting go of ego. So let go & flow into your own glow. Then you'll know.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

S.L.O.W - Simple Life Opens Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.L.O.W - Simple Life Opens Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Slow down enough so you can enjoy your life. Slow down enough so you connect with your authentic being. Slow down enough so you are really seeing. Slow your flow until you know. Slow your flow until you can feel your glow. Life is short. Don't be in such a hurry with all your worry that you miss the bliss of being alive.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

L.I.V.E. - Let Italian Vistas Enchant - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

L.I.V.E. - Let Italian Vistas Enchant - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
May we be reminded of how magical life can be, when we stop & really see. Stop the chase & warmly embrace the enchanted magic of right now. -Russell

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

L.I.F.E. - Lovely Italy Flowers Enchantedly - R. McDougal/Isle of View

L.I.F.E. - Lovely Italy Flowers Enchantedly - R. McDougal/Isle of View
May you open the door & let your garden flower your life's dream. May you open the door & let your spirit soar! Life's dance let's you create your own chance. Plant your seed & cultivate what you really need. As the law of karma reminds us, "so as you sow, so shall you reap", so take the leap! May this hour let you flower into love & appreciation. May your fruit grow & remind you to flow into the warming glow of your life's abundance. Now is the time to discover life's rhyme. Flex your will & find the thrill of freeing your own being.

Monday, April 2, 2012

V.I.E.W. - Vision Ignites Enchantment's Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

V.I.E.W. - Vision Ignites Enchantment's Wonder - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Fulfillment in life is about learning to see. Not just seeing in the most mundane way, but seeing with a vision that let your experience be rich with meaning. The only difference between the ignorant person & the enlightened one is how they see the world. Stand back & take in the big picture. Realize that your very own mind is the means & end of all your experience. Discover how to not be carried away by your endless thoughts & emotions. Discover your luminous mind's awareness as the mirror where your life's drama plays itself out. Find eternal contentment in resting in mind's luminous calm. Appreciate the mysterious wonder that is your own mind. There is nothing more that you need to find.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

S.W.I.M. - Simply Waken Into Mind - R. McDougal/ Isle of View

S.W.I.M. - Simply Waken Into Mind - R. McDougal/ Isle of View
Fill it to the rim & begin to swim. Let life be a smooth, magical unfolding. But always step back & remember the big picture. Everything takes place in big mind. Every sensation & all 0f creation only exists in your mind. Take away your mind, & it's nothing you will find. The fish doesn't notice the water that he is totally engulfed in. We are the same with our mind. Since everything is a mind experience, we don't notice it. Beyond knowing, your mind is everything, yet nothing at all. It is the mysterious & mystical essence that is the basis of our lives. Let life's current carry you to your paradise of knowing. It's all about flowing. Just let go & know. Swim to the light & you will be alright.